An Agency Unlike Others:
At Make Your Life Epic we are pleased to have the reputation we have developed for producing great marketing and design over the past decade. Our entire focus is to work at the speed of business and to provide our clients with the very best web-development, graphic design, marketing and business growth services at a price that they can actually afford. We are obsessed with helping you grow your business, and we know that great work gets talked about…which generates more business for everyone.
We Solve Marketing Problems with a Focus on Results:
Many public relations firms and advertising agencies in Tulsa focus on forming committees and teams to explore the hidden meaning behind the logo that they have taken three months to design, meanwhile we are focused on helping you to SELL MORE HIGH QUALITY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES TO YOUR IDEAL AND LIKELY BUYERS. I get it. If you are unable to sell, then your business goes to hell. And that is why I am maniacally focused on making sure that we are always focused on CONVERSION, CONVERSION AND CONVERSION.
You Are the Boss. We Are Here to Get Your Stuff Done.
Without going into a long editorial about organizational leadership, when we work with you we recognize that you are the boss. Personally, I have found that nothing is more frustrating than talking to a slow-moving design firm who refuses to do what I ask and instead provides me with countless revisions of something that I didn’t want to begin with while they gladly send me endless invoices for their “revisions” and “creative discussions.”
As a person who grew up without financial resources and as the former “Entrepreneur of the Year” for the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce in 2002 and the former U.S. Small Business Administration’s “Entrepreneur of the Year” I understand what it feels like to struggle and I also understand what it feels like to Thrive. My entire focus is on helping you to achieve financial success.
At the Make Your Life Epic agency, we focus on empowering you by giving you access to some of the region’s best marketing and business growth resources at a fraction of the price you will find anywhere else.
As a Tulsa-based entrepreneur who has lived and operated businesses in Tulsa since 1999, I am confident that our branding, drone, graphic design, marketing consulting, photography, sales training, search engine optimization, videography, web-development, workflow design and other services will cost you 80% less that you will find anywhere else and that we will get your project done 5 times faster than any other competitor in the marketplace.
Our system works and it will work well for you too. In fact, our proven system has worked so well that we have now have a waiting list for certain categories as we do not offer the same services to two competitor companies within the local same market.
Our Process:
Regardless of whether you are a startup, an established business or one of our clients that we’ve worked with for the past 8 years, we always start with our 29-point business assessment. During this phase we do an intense deep dive into your business to unearth your 3 biggest limiting factors. Once we have identified those biggest limiting factors we then get to work with you creating a plan to unleash your company’s potential.
What’s Your Biggest Limiting Factor?
- Is your business not able to grow and you can’t figure out why?
- Are you looking for a one-stop shop for all of your marketing and workflow design needs?
- Are you in need of a little coaching from a proven and award-winning entrepreneur?
- Are you struggling to get the top of Google search engine results?
- Have you been trying to get ahold of your “web guy” for the past 2 months to finish your website?
- Are you struggling to find a way to increase your profits?
- Have you been running around Tulsa hiring diva videographers with man buns who won’t return your calls and who have taken 3 months to create a “rough draft” of the video they promised you.
- Is your brother-in-law currently in charge of graphic design and consistently failing at it?
- Are you looking for a turn-key solution?
Make Your Life Epic is Your Total Turn-Key Solution:
Once we know your goals, where you want to go and what your biggest limiting factors are, it’s GO TIME. It’s during these weekly business development sessions that you will get to see your big ideas turned into reality as our team works away at a 90 miles per hour pace.
Over the years we have found time and time again that the implementation of a few simple changes has the capacity to change the entire growth rate of a business. As an example last year we worked a major brand that was using some of the best marketing materials we had ever seen, yet their online marketing, their social media marketing and their search engine optimization-based marketing were terrible.
We Focus on Results
So instead of wasting everybody’s time and money focusing on reshaping the company’s image, both the client and the Make Your Life Epic team decided it was best if we focused on launching an effective digital marketing campaign. And guess what? It worked. The business was able to reduce the amount of money that they were spending on other forms of marketing by 80% and they were able to nearly double their profits.
Clay Clark
Former U.S. Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year
Founder of
Host of the
Graphic Design
Do you need to get a logo designed? Are you looking to get your website updated? Do you always have something piece of marketing material that needs to be updated? Are you tired of waiting for a nuclear half-life for “Captain Creative” to get back with you? Do you need to get results now. If so, then Make Your Life Epic is for you.
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- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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Is it time to freshen up your brand? Have you been holding off on updating your brand because of the last 18 interactions that you have had with deadline, time-wasting and budget destroying graphic designers? My friend, you have found your solution. As an entrepreneur who has started many successful businesses within Tulsa my mind would almost explode every time I had to interact with a local design firm so I built Make Your Life Epic so that you could finally have a graphic design solution that works as fast as you do. Call us. Schedule an appointment. Let’s get it done.
“A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.” – Jeff Bezos (Founder of
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- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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An article came out in the Atlantic that showed that according the research conducted by the Federal Reserve, that 47% of Americans have less than $400 saved. Is that shocking? To me it’s not. I get what it is like to financially struggle and I grew up without money. But I can tell you this from first hand experience, you will never, ever get out of the current financial rut you are in if you do not develop and executive a proven-strategy that works.
“If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else.” – Dave Ramsey (Best-selling author and national radio show host)
If you need help we are here for you. We have affordable pricing options for any budget. Call us. Schedule an appointment. Let’s make this the best year of your financial life.
- No contracts.
- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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Customer Service
Starbucks has great customer service. QuikTrip has great customer service. Southwest Airlines has great customer service. Does your business offer great customer service? Our good friends at the Harvard Business Review once published a game-changing article about this concept of the NET PROMOTER SCORE. Basically, you survey your customers and you ask them how likely they are to refer your business to their friends on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest.
“Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it, they will want to come back and see you do it again, and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do.” – Walt Disney (An American entrepreneur, animator, voice actor and film producer. A pioneer of the American animation industry, he introduced several developments in the production of cartoons. As a film producer he received 22 Academy Awards from 59 nominations and has won more individual Oscars than anyone else. He was presented with two Golden Globe Special Achievement Awards and one Emmy Award, among other honors.)
If your business consistently scores a 9 or a 10 in surveys then your business will grow quickly. However, if your business does not have high customer service scores then you will have to buy all of your new customers through expensive advertising campaigns because you will not generate enough word of mouth traffic to grow.
Bottom line, we all have to wow our customers. I have to try to wow you. You have to try to wow your customers. At Make Your Life Epic we will teach you the proven-path to wowing your customers based upon the incredible research found within Harvard’s Service Profit Chain case-study based book and we will help you execute. Done and done. Schedule an appointment today and let’s start wowing those customers.
- No contracts.
- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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Search Engine Optimization
Have you ever attempted to get to the top of Google search engine results without much success? Have you ever been cold-called from a dude based out of India who claims that he has the secret sauce needed to get you to the top of the Google rankings? Have you ever paid a local search engine optimization firm $4,000 to $8,000 per month without any results?
“You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.” – Henry Ford (Founder of Ford Motors)
My friend, here is the good news. At Make Your Life Epic we will teach you how to get to the top of Google search results and we will get you there if that is what you prefer. If you want us to get you to the top of Google or if you just want to learn how to do it so that you can do it yourself. Either way, it’s all good with us. We just want to help you win.
Schedule your consultation today and let’s make this happen. Quick warning, it’s nerdy!
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- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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Public Relations
Have you ever wanted to get in the news for the right reasons? Have you ever found yourself wishing that you knew how to get in front of your ideal and likely buyers in major media publications without having to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on advertising? Have you ever wondered how the heck I was able to get into the news and major media? After all I have a face made for radio (hence, the Thrive Time Radio Show…you should be listening). My friend, at Make Your Life Epic we will teach you how to get in the news and how to truly shape the way customers perceive you and your business.
“If you give someone a present, and you give it to them in a Tiffany box, it’s likely that they’ll believe that the gift has higher perceived value than if you gave it to them in no box or a box of less prestige. That’s not because the receiver of the gift is a fool. But instead, because we live in a culture in which we gift wrap everything– our politicians, our corporate heads, our movie and TV stars, and even our toilet paper. Public relations is like gift wrapping.” – Michael Levine (Best-selling author, mentor and the former PR consultant of choice Nike, Pizza Hut, Charlton Heston, etc.)
When it comes to PR we did not invent the wheel, but have worked with the man that did. You see Michael Levine is the former PR consultant of choice for Michael Jackson (yes the one-gloved King of Pop), Prince (the Purple Passionate Person who recently passed away), Charlton Heston (The man who originally played Moses), Nike, Pizza Hut and countless other brands. Michael Levine is one of the mentors who provides hours and hours of training on our thriving online business known as Bottom line, we use his moves to get you to the top of the minds of your target audience by getting you and keeping you in the media.
My friend, I am not going to try to convince you of the value of implementing a successful public relations campaign. But if you believe in PR and you want to get a solid PR campaign in place for your business then we can help you.
Schedule your appointment today and let’s make it happen Captain.
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- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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Online Marketing
Have you ever found yourself wondering how to get those Facebook ads to work? Have you ever pulled an all-nighter trying to learn basic coding so that you can run display ads, podcast ads, retargeting ads, targeting ads, etc? I know that I have and it is terrible. In fact even writing about it right now sort of hurts my soul. But here is the scoop. This just in…most people are using their smartphones to search the internet for the products and services they buy. And when you are not advertising online your business is going to suffer.
“If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten!” – Marc Ostrofsky (Best-selling author of Get Rich Click)
The great news is that I have assembled a team of geniuses who really know what they are talking about and I also know what I’m talking about. Thus, you can sit down with us and tell us who you want to advertise and what offer you want to make to your people and we will do the rest. Then when you make copious amounts of money I expect a high-five. Call us today to schedule an appointment or enjoy spending massive quantities of time learning how to effectively market online.
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- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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Advertising can be complicated, in fact many advertising firms want it to be complicated. They will ask you stupid questions wrapped in bs and dipped in esoteric generalizations. If your business was an animal what would it be? If your business was a person who would that be?
“Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising.” – Mark Twain (Better known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American writer, entrepreneur, publisher and lecturer. Among his novels are The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and its sequel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)
At Make Your Life Epic we don’t have the capacity for that bogusness, because I as the founder have been stuck in these meetings before and I know how terrible, expensive and soul-sucking they can be. I love their move. They order in lunch to brain-storm and then they actually bill you for it! During the lunch and brainstorming session a bunch of hipsters sit around the table talking about passion, branding, and feelings. Then 2 hours later nothing gets done and you get a bill for “creative design” or some other bs.
At Make Your Life Epic we just focus on results. We meet. We clarify your focus, your demographics, your goal and your offer and then we launch. And then we measure the results and pivot as needed.
Define. Act. Measure. Refine. No BS. Repeat.
If you want to get your advertising going and out of those ridiculous time-wasting and soul-sucking meetings call us to schedule an appointment. For soul-sucking and time-wasting call the other advertising agencies in Tulsa.
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- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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Management Training
Do you need to learn how to become an effective manager? I know that I certainly did when my first businesses began to scale. How do you motivate your team? How do you lead a meeting? How do you fire someone? How do manage morons? How do you hold people accountable? How do you make workflows and checklists? And now you have two options.
“Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.” – Jack Welch (Best-selling author and arguably the most successful CEO in modern American history who grew GE by 4,000% during his tenure)
The very best option involves you going to Jack Welch’s leadership development school and paying arguably the best CEO in the history of America a massive fee so that a member of his team can teach you the ways of the Management Force.
The 2nd best option is hiring us to help you. I have literally taught thousands of people just like you how to manage their teams. Thousands? Yes. You see, I used to travel around the planet teaching people at speaking events after I sold my first big business However, I decided to produce 5 human kids with my beautiful wife, and to acquire 46 chickens, 5 ducks and radio show (The Thrive Time Show). Thus, I very rarely leave Oklahoma and speak anymore. So you can choose to either learn from me, to learn from Jack or to learn online at the world’s best business school I built,, but there are simply no other better options out there.
If you want to learn management in Tulsa, call us today to schedule your appointment.
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- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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Life Coaching
We rarely take on life-coaching clients due to the waiting list that we have, however if you are struggling to design a life and life-style that allows you to experience success in faith, family, finances, friendships and fitness you are not alone and you are not an idiot. College teaches many good things, alot of useless information and absolutely nothing about sales, how to actually start a business, how to optimize a website and how to live a successful life. You know why? Because it’s hard to teach people something that you don’t know about.
“One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.” – Tony Robbins (Best-selling author and renowned motivational speaker)
Most people find themselves swamped by digital overload, endless obligations to things that don’t matter and involved in copious amounts of superficial digital dialogue on social media. Their wallets I shrinking, their expenses are rising and their brains feel like they are going to explode. Just look up the statistics. Lookup the research at the Federal Reserve has done recently that shows that 47% of the population has less than $400 saved. Look up the statistics about much time everybody is spending on social media every day. Look up the statistics published by CNN Money that shows that most people no longer believe that the American Dream is possible. The reality is that most people do not like their jobs and their lives. But that can all change quickly.
I simply call our system the F5 system and I am confident that when you go through our program you will come out with a renewed mind and mindset. Life is really all about achieving success with your faith, family, finances, friendships and fitness. If you are looking for a Tulsa life coach then call us and schedule an appointment. Let’s design the life that you want to live today.
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- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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Social Media
Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, Twitter, and There are endless social media platforms out there, but how can you leverage these platforms to land new customers? How much time should you be spending on these platforms? If you engage with your audience does it even matter? How do you update all of your platforms quickly? What should you even say? How much does it cost? These are all questions that we answer at Make Your Life Epic.
“When I hear people debate the ROI of social media? It makes me remember why so many business fail. Most businesses are not playing the marathon. They’re playing the sprint. They’re not worried about lifetime value and retention. They’re worried about short-term goals.” – Gary Vaynerchuk (Best-selling author, entrepreneur, investor, public speaker, and internet personality)
If you want to learn how to grow your brand by utilizing social media without wasting hours of time then you have come to the right place. Bottom line we are the most effective social media marketing company in Tulsa. You could sign a 12 month contract with a dude you met at a local coffee house named Kyler who claims to be social media expert and an artisan who currently offices out of his mom’s house or you could call us.
I recommend that you shoot us over and email or give us a call and let’s make massive amounts of cash by helping you to effectively market online via social media.
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- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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Business Development
Many people often refer to this as strategic planning. In fact, many people type in Tulsa strategic planning into their search bar everyday looking for someone that can help them with their account planning, their public relations, their market research, their budget planning, their results tracking, product launches, their logo designing, their web-development, their sales training, their photography, their videography, their social media marketing, their public relations campaign and countless other services all under one roof. And guess what…we do that. We do that?! You mean that you can now actually get everything all under one roof at a price point that is affordable? You mean this can all be had without a contract and at a price that is 80% less than every other major advertising firm in Tulsa? Yes.
“Most people are sitting on their own diamond mines. The surest ways to lose your diamond mine are to get bored, become overambitious, or start thinking that the grass is greener on the other side. Find your core focus, stick to it, and devote your time and resources to excelling at it.” – Gino Wickman (Best-selling author of Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business)
Seeing is believing, but scheduling an appointment is the first step. Call us today or email us, but for the love of all that is holy please don’t try to schedule an appointment with us by sending a Tweet because some hipster at a local independent coffee house told you that real marketing firms do that.
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- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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Do you want to franchise your brand? Do you really know what that entails? Do you know about how to build a truly-bankable-and-turn-key business model? Do you know how to write a franchise disclosure document? Do you know how to trademark your brand and to patent your product? Do you know that you need some help? Well if this is you and then I have good news for you. Make Your Life Epic is here and we are the number one marketing firm in Tulsa and the number one solution of choice for small businesses looking to franchise.
“We surveyed more than 1,000 business owners over the past five years, and our findings revealed that if the average business owner became incapacitated and couldn’t work, their business would fail in less than 30 days. Thirty days! Think about what this would mean for their families, employees, and customers. You put in all those years of blood, sweat, and tears to build something that could literally end in an instant.” – Scale – Jeff Hoffman and David Finkel
Take the first step. Schedule an appointment. I apologize in advance if we unable to help you because of any non-compete agreements that we may have in place within your industry, but give it a try. To see what I’m talking about and to see one of our brands in action go on into an Elephant In The Room men’s grooming lounge and experience the detail, the systems and the quality. And men…if you have never been there before I have good news. Your first haircut is only $1.
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- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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Product Design
Have you developed a thing that does some stuff in your mind and you are having a hard time explaining the immense details of your product in a way that other humans, potential customers and investors can understand? If this is you and your are struggling with the Innovator’s Dilemma then you are not alone. And have 2 solutions for you.
“In most people’s vocabularies, design means veneer. It’s interior decorating. It’s the fabric of the curtains of the sofa. But to me, nothing could be further from the meaning of design. Design is the fundamental soul of a human-made creation that ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers of the product or service.” – Steve Jobs (Co-founder of Apple and the former CEO of PIXAR)
- Option 1 – Travel to Harvard and hire Clayton Christensen to help you. This best-selling author and Harvard Business School professor knows his stuff and he can help you. He’s like the Yoda of this.
- Option 2 – Stay in Tulsa and hire us for 5% of the cost. We are affordable, practical, intense and fun.
Either way, I believe in you and I know that the ideas in your head were given to you by God and I encourage you to cherish them and to act on them.
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- No bs. Just results.
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Interior Design
Does your business need a face lift? Does your office look like the inside of our local Tulsa DMVs? There is something magical about the DMV and that horrible decor that they all seem to universally endorse? However, you my friend have taken the first step. You are self-aware and you know that you need help. So you did a Google search for Interior Design Tulsa and you found us.
“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” – Steve Jobs (Co-founder of Apple and the former CEO of PIXAR)
Well good news. We charge 80% less than most firms and we actually deliver on the plans that we develop with you. I know that is crazy. If you would like to schedule an appointment do it. If not, no stress. This is America and you can do what you want.
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- No bs. Just results.
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Sales Training
Does your team need some intense sales training? Have you been Googling sales training in Tulsa only to find Dale Carnegie, Grant Gardone and other expensive options that would involve you hiring a sales ninja who would fly-out for a “magic money” seminar? If your team needs sales training you are not alone. Over the years I’ve worked with numerous Fortune 500 companies and I can tell you that it is entirely possible to develop a specific step-by-step linear workflow that produces results for your business. At Make Your Life Epic we will assist you with call scripting, call recording, call coaching, presentation scripting, presentation role-playing, presentation coaching, sales conversion, isolating objections and whatever else you believe to be your biggest limiting factor.
“No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals.” – Brian Tracy (Best-selling author and world-renowned sales trainer)
Do you currently do all of your company’s sales? You must build a duplicable sales process that is scalable or your business cannot grow. Without the ability to sell your vision will go to hell.
If you want to learn how we can help you call or email to schedule an appointment.
- No contracts.
- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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Do you have any clue where you are at financially? Are you a wizard of accounting just in need of a little coaching? Are you in need of somebody who can help you to create your break-even point, a financial business model that makes sense, a pro-forma and all of those other items that you feel you should have to run your business well?
“Know your numbers’ is a fundamental precept of business.” – Bill Gates (Co-founder of Microsoft)
If you need help learning the basics of business accounting right here in Tulsa then you have come to the right place. We know what we are doing, we won’t lock you into some massive and long contract. We will sit down with you and help you to figure out where you are at with your business’s finances and how to get to where you want to go.
Schedule an appointment today.
- No contracts.
- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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Are you in need of coaching through the copyrighting process? Do you have no idea of where to start? Should you spend a ton of money on an attorney or should you do it yourself? If this is you do not stress. We are here to help you and we do know what we are doing. To learn more and to get your copyright process implemented, done and done schedule an appointment today.
“A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer.” – Robert Frost (Best-selling author)
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- No bs. Just results.
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HR / Staff Management
Finding good people is hard for most businesses. In fact more and more big companies keep talking about how their inability to find good “human capital” is their biggest limiting factor. Is this you? Are struggling to find and train up good people. Are you banging your head against the wall every day trying to find some good potential employees? Well if that is you then you have come to the right place.
“Good management consists in showing average people how to do the work of superior people.” – John D. Rockefeller (The world’s wealthiest man during his lifetime)
We know the moves to recruit, train and retain good people and we will teach them to you. We will teach you how to hire, inspire and even fire team members. We will show you how to make finding good people an easy process.
Schedule your appointment today.
- No contracts.
- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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IT / Tech
Are you unable to get your printer to print and computer to compute? Are you unable to turn wifi on? Are you suffering from some serious digital anxiety? If that is you then you are not alone. When you work with Make Your Life Epic we will help you with your IT and tech support needs. If you feel like you need some help in this area so that you can actually have time to focus on your core business then you need to schedule a consultation today.
“Do you know what this means? It means that this d$%# thing doesn’t work at all!?” – Doctor Brown (Fictitious character featured in Back to the Future)
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- No bs. Just results.
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Workflow Design
Workflow design and workflow mapping is one of my favorite things to do because when it is done well and properly executed it allows business owners to actually make money without physically having to do everything. However, for some reason we are the only affordable workflow design companies in Tulsa that I have ever encountered.
“Most entrepreneurs are merely technicians with an entrepreneurial seizure. Most entrepreneurs fail because you are working IN your business rather than ON your business.” – Michael Gerber (Best-selling author of the E-Myth book series)
You see if you make an operations manual and countless documents that your team never uses that implements it is a big waste of time. However, if you focus on creating a visual linear workflow map that your team can use and does use on a daily basis you are now off to the races because you my friend can now scale.
The presentation layer of any workflow must be usable, understandable and executable or it is a waste of time. If you need coaching and guidance in the area of workflow design in Tulsa, schedule an appointment today.
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- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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3D Virtual Space Tours
If you are selling products and services to the human race, the chances are that the buying decision will be made by a human…and humans are visual. That’s why 3D tours, drone aerial video tours, aerial photography, video walkthroughs and other tools like this are so effective. People are reluctant to do business with people that they don’t like and trust. So whether you are selling real estate or a new recruit on the benefits of joining your team, your ability to showcase your space, atmosphere and property properly can be a big win for your business.
“If your business is not a brand, it is a commodity.” – Donald Trump (Real estate mogul, best-selling author and reality TV star)
If you want to hire a team of people dedicated to making the very best 3D Virtual Space Tours on the planet, then you should schedule a consultation today.
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- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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Drone Photo / Video
Drones can make your next sales presentation a wow presentation. Drones can showcase a piece of real estate like nothing else. Drones can take interior video tours to the next level. If you want drones…and I know you do, give us a call today and we will take your drone photography and drone videography deliverables to the next level.
“If you can’t make it good, at least make it look good.” – Bill Gates (Co-founder of Microsoft)
Schedule your consultation today.
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- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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Event Planning
Planning an event can be overwhelming or it can be as simple as making a call to the Make Your Life Epic team. We have planned literally thousands of weddings and corporate events and we now have a turn-key process that works. Our planning process factors in making the guest list, involving the media, inviting guests, the audio, the video, the decor, the smells, the audience engagement and much more. We know what we are doing so that you will look like you know that you are doing.
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou (An American poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist. She published seven autobiographies, three books of essays, several books of poetry, and was credited with a list of plays, movies, and television shows spanning over 50 years. She received dozens of awards and more than 50 honorary degrees.)
Schedule your initial consultation today. Let’s make your next corporate event a game-changer.
- No contracts.
- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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Executive Coaching
So you are so good at doing something that the world has been willing to pay you well. Now you have an entire team of people coming to work every day that call you boss. Because you hired them. They need direction, they have questions and there is only one you. They have needs. They have issues. People are calling you now and asking for you to donate. You used to chase financial freedom and now you have that, but you don’t have time freedom.
“Everybody needs a coach.” – Bill Gates (Co-founder of Microsoft)
If you need to learn how to get your life back and how to truly design the life that you want, the Make Your Life Epic Executive Coaching program is what you have been looking for. We won’t ask you to walk on hot coals, to camp with us in the woods or to do any trust falls, but we are going to teach you the best-practice systems that work.
- No contracts.
- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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Website Design / Optimization
If you are a business owner that has a website there is a strong possibility that you created the website to produce revenue and inbound leads for your business. If this is not happening, then it’s up to you to do something about it, but what? Where do you even start? Well first you’d have to hire a full-time graphic designer, a full-time coder, and a team of full-time search engine optimizers of you could sign a 12 month agreement with a firm for several thousand dollars per month…or you could call us.
“It is not the job of search engine optimization to make a pig fly. It is the job of SEO to genetically re-engineer the website so that it becomes an eagle.” – Bruce Clay (Best-selling author and world-renowned search engine guru)
If you have a product that the human race actually wants to purchase, at Make Your Life Epic we will optimize your website so that it will produce a consistent amount of inbound leads for your business. We will optimize your site both visually and technically to improve the amount of inbound leads that your website generates.
- No contracts.
- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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If you have a story to tell and the motivation needed to actually turn your thoughts into text we will do the rest. We will design your book cover, type set the book, professionally edit the book and even help you to secure an ISBN# and get your book onto and
“Be ruthless about protecting writing days, i.e., do not cave in to endless requests to have ‘essential’ and ‘long overdue’ meetings on those days. The funny thing is that, although writing has been my actual job for several years now, I still seem to have to fight for time in which to do it. Some people do not seem to grasp that I still have to sit down in peace and write the books, apparently believing that they pop up like mushrooms without my connivance.” – J.K. Rowling (Best-selling author of the Harry Potter book series)
Typically companies charge you nearly $5,000 for this service and they also make you pre-order a massive quantity of your books as well…oh and they retain the rights to your book…oh and they want to take 40% of your revenue…oh and…STOP THE MADNESS.
Call Make Your Life Epic today and let us turn your dreams of becoming an author into reality.
- No contracts.
- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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Capital Raising
If you have ever tried to raise capital…and I have successfully done this multiple times. You will quickly discover that it is very expensive in terms of both the time investment and the financial investment, and yet the goal is to raise money, not to spend it.
At Make Your Life Epic, I am not going to open up my cell phone and give you all of connections and contacts of professional athletes, moguls and millionaires, but I am going to help you create a world-class pitch deck in a compliant way that will be both visually and intellectually appealing to venture capitalists and traditional banks.
If you are looking to create a solid brand before you begin a crowdfunding campaign we can help you with this as well. Both you know it and I know it, but nobody in their right mind is going to lend money to a startup business that has terrible branding materials and no reputation-based leg to stand on. If you are an unknown you must have solid branding working for you so that your will come across as credible.
“Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time. Sometimes it will be ahead, other times it will be behind. But brand is simply a collective impression some have about a product.” – Elon Musk (CEO of SpaceX, CEO of Tesla and one of the founding members of PayPal)
- No contracts.
- No additional fees.
- No bs. Just results.
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