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Make Your Life Epic | Tulsa PR Firm Case Studies
Ameripro Funding is one of the area’s premier mortgage solution providers. Lead by Don Conwell, the company has experienced tremendous growth on an annual basis by doing thing the right way. In the world of public relations our job is to simply implement Michael Levine’s (The PR Legend) Tiffany Theory:
“If you give someone a present, and you give it to them in a Tiffany box, it’s likely that they’ll believe that the gift has higher perceived value than if you gave it to them in no box or a box of less prestige. That’s not because the receiver of the gift is a fool. But instead, because we live in a culture in which we gift wrap everything– our politicians, our corporate heads, our movie and TV stars, and even our toilet paper. Public relations is like gift wrapping.”
Because Don and his team have done the right things the right way for so many years, we were able simply able to focus on sharing their success, and commitment to supporting the Tulsa community by implementing the following business systems:
Public Relations – Throughout the year, we were able to help secure the team interviews in KRMG, Fox23, Tulsa World and countless media outlets. The Ameripro are truly experts in their field and the city of Tulsa was very interested in what they had to say.
Video Marketing – In today’s world customers and potential customers are increasingly looking for and expecting companies to provide video-based internet marketing solutions. We have helped Ameripro to create a solid presence on the internet by creating innovated video-based solutions for them.
Print Piece Creation – While working with the mortgage team we have helped them to create business cards, letterhead, print pieces and interactive slideshows that that can be show in their actual presentation offices. Our goal when working with clients is to help first-class clients look first-class with every tangible marketing item that the customer sees.
Website Enhancement – Most people today begin their search for high quality products and services with a simple good Google internet search. Since working with Ameripro, we have worked to help them create a solid internet presence by creating and enhancing their existing website and creating interactive forms, and on-line mortgage pre-qualification tools.
Social Media Marketing – In today’s world, having a well thought out social media campaign is absolutely essential for every business. Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Linkedin…who cares? Your customers. And we worked with this team to create relevant social media marketing materials that customers would relate to in a rich and meaningful way.
Video Testimonial Recording – Customers always would rather hear about a company’s success from other customers who have actually experienced a high-level of customer service. Luckily, Don and his team have created a culture of excellence and so we coordinated with his customers to come on into his offices to share their a little about their experience working with Ameripro. His customers already loved Ameripro, we simply asked them to share their stories and what they liked most about Ameripro.
Professional Photography – People do judge a book by its cover and we wanted to make sure that when new or inquiring customers looked up Ameripro they would find nothing but the best photography and visuals possible. In order to achieve this we schedule interactive Tulsa commercial photography sessions that were designed to capture the natural warmth and character that the Ameripro team provides.
Public Relations Kit Creation – The media is always skeptical about the people and businesses they feature on the news. They want to make sure that the people they feature have the ability to quickly articulate their ideas, connect with their audience and convey well thought out points based upon years of experience. Often time the media is looking for a PR Kit that quickly shares the bio, career highlights and expertise of an expert. We worked with the team to create these materials for the mortgage team.