The Importance of Laughing & Learning
**This article was written by Author, Las Vegas Motivational Speaker, U.S. SBA Entrepreneur of the Year and Founder of DJ Connection Tulsa Wedding DJs, Clay Clark
As you look to find the perfect speaker for your upcoming corporate meeting, convention, workshop or company training session it is important that you find someone that has the ability to keep people laughing and learning. Whether we like it or not, we all have a short attention span. So in order to keep your guests motivated to hear what you are paying to teach them, you must find a speaker who can deliver the message while entertaining the majority of the people.
At Make Your Life Epic we are committed to providing Tulsa’s most relevant training materials and topics, however we are known for making people laugh while they are learning. As an example if you traveled all the way to the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas and you took off an entire week of work to attend at conference, you are going to want to come back to the business with at least a few action steps that you can immediately begin putting into action when you return. If you not, what is the point of event attending the seminars put on by each speaker.
Did you know that studies have consistently show that those who laugh while they learn actually retain more information?
Back when we all were in college, we probably remember that boring professor who cared deeply about his subject. Man, that guys was into Marine Biology, but nobody cared because they were so bored. When the elections come around every 4 years, who does America love to vote for? The person who is the most engaging and who can inspire the crowd and connect with the audience the most is usually the candidate of choice. Is that fair? Probably not, but that is the way it works.
So what will you learn at a Clay Clark motivatonal seminar / workshop?
1st – You will learn the specific action steps you need to know to get you where you want to go. No theories here. At MYLE we teach the real practical actions steps that you must take in order to transform your life today.
2nd – You will learn how not to apply the principles and how to apply the principles. Since Clay Clark has owned more than 10 businesses during his career, he has countless examples he can pull from to demonstrate how to do it and how not to do it.
Who is Clay Clark?
Clay Clark is an award-winning speaker and entrepreneur with 5 kids and 1 incredible wife. He is passionate about people and helping them to improve their lives exponentially now.