What the Numbers Tell Us
The Stats Don’t Lie, But Over 40% of Prospective Employees Will
**The research and information gathered for this piece was obtained from a variety of sources including the Harvard Business School, Newsweek, U.S. Today, Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, Etc…
*This article has been written by the U.S. SBA Entrepreneur of the Year, the U.S. Chamber National Blue Ribbon Quality Award Winner, the Founder of DJ Connection Tulsa Wedding DJs, Las Vegas Motivational Speaker, Author and Business Coach, Clay Clark.
It would be harsh to say that this generation of Americans employees is the least intelligent, the most dishonest and the most distracted generation in American history. It would be even more harsh to say that this generation of Americans employees is the most sexually permiscous, most financially clueless, most work ethic deprived, most morally bankrupt, most chronically disinterested, most academically challenged, most sexually transmitted disease ridden and most over-college educated group of idiots ever assembled. However, NOTHING IS MORE HARSH than knowing that the above statements are based on facts, and that you as an employer have to hire these people to make your businesses run.
Do you remember when childhood was supposed to be about exploration, love and innocence? They don’t.
A study put together by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention in 2006 showed that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men were sexually abused before the age of 18. This means there are more than 42 million adult survivors of child sexual abuse in the United States.
Did your father ever tell you what it meant to be a man or a woman? Their fathers didn’t.
According to research conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau and posted on Fatherhood.org nearly 24 million children in American (one out of three) live in biological father-absent homes.
According to a study done by the Fulton County Texas Department of Correct, 85% of all youths in prison come from fatherless homes. Thus, kids who come from fatherless homes are nearly 20 times more likely to go to jail than kid who were raised in a home with their biological fathers.
According to a September, 1988 study by the United States Department of Justice, 70% of youths in state-operated institutions come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average.
Did you ever get in trouble with your parents for not studying hard and doing well on your tests? They never did.
In an article written Lory Hough, the Harvard School of Education found that over 50% of the 18-24 year old Americans surveyed by National Geographic couldn’t find the state of New York on a map.
In a Sept 14, 2011 article posted by Michael Winter for USA Today, the College Board now shows that just 40% of the high school seniors met benchmarks for college success.
Did your parents ever teach you about the consequences of your actions? Their parents never did.
In a May of 2008 article published in USA Today, researchers in Chicago found that 1 in 4 teen girls have a sexually transmitted disease. Thus, approximately 3 million teens now have an STD.
In a March 9th 2012 article posted on Reuters by JoAnne Allen, about 16 percent of Americans between the ages of 14 and 49 are infected with genital herpes, making it one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, U.S. health officials said on Tuesday.
More than 70% of all males in the United States between the ages of 18 and 34 visit at least one pornographic website in a typical month.
In Newsweek’s cover story entitled ICrazy, it was revealed that fully 1/4 quarter of employees who use the internet during work visit porn sites. In fact hits to porn sites are highest during office hours than at any other time of day.
Did your parents tell you not to lie? Their parents never did.
40% of the information on résume is misrepresented (false, untrue, a lie) according to research done by American DataBank’s research from 2008 – 2010.
Did your parents ever teach you that a quitter never wins and that a winner never quits?
In a July 7th 2010 article published by the Harvard Business review, in each of the past three months, more employees quit their jobs than were terminated, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Do you remember when college was supposed to make you more intelligent, and more hirable? They don’t.
According to findings based on the transcripts and surveys of more than 3,000 full-time traditional-age students on 29 campuses nationwide, along with their results on the Collegiate Learning Assessment, a standardized test that gauges students’ critical thinking, analytic reasoning and writing skill, after two years in college, 45% of students showed no significant gains in learning; after four years, 36% showed little change.
According to a USA Article written in USA Today by Mary Beth Marklein, Students also spent 50% less time studying compared with students a few decades ago, the research shows. The research was comparing college students enrolled in 2001 versus college students enrolled in 2011.
Whatever happened to common sense?
In a 2011 Newsweek Article, research was conducted by asking 1,000 U.S. citizens to take America’s official citizenship test, 29 percent couldn’t name the vice president. Seventy-three percent couldn’t correctly say why we fought the Cold War.
In A July 2012 article featured in Newsweek Magazine, according to Gail Cunningham spokeswoman for the National Foundation of Credit Counseling, 56 percent of U.S. adults admit they don’t have a budget; one third don’t pay all their bills on time.
According to a January 18th article written by Mary Beth Marklein in USA Today, nearly half of the nation’s undergraduates show almost no gains in learning in their first two years of college, in large part because collies don’t make academics a priority, the report shows. Among their top activities, students report spending 24% of their time sleeping, 51% of their time socializing and just 7% actually studying.
If you work hard and commit yourself to excellence anyone can obtain the American dream. But what if you don’t want work hard?
**Free Bonus Tip “Nothing will work unless you do.” Maya Angelou (Poet, producer, actress and prolific writer)
In a study published in Inc Magazine in June of 2007 and written by Liz Webber, research showed that average employees wasted on average of 1.7 hours of an 8.5 hour workday while 20-20 year olds wasting 2.1 hours per day.
A LEADERSHIPIQ study of 6,000 workers featured on FoxNews in 2008, showed in 2008 that nearly 25% of the average American’s workday is wasted. Thus, the average employee was shown to waste nearly 2.3 hours per day.
In a February 22, 2010 article featured in Inc Magazine written by Kim Boatman research conducted by SpectorSoft Corp showed that 89 percent of the businesses said they discovered employees were wasting time or abusing Internet use.
In an article posted on Salary.com by Aaron Goveia in 2012, a study showed
that almost two-thirds of employees admitted to wasting time at work on the computer each day. The next obvious question is how much time?
Do you remember what it was like to converse with someone who wasn’t updating their Facebook status and texting while waiting for you to finish speaking? They don’t.
According to research conducted by Research Basex and reported in a February issue of USA Today, “productivity losses due to the cost of unnecessary interruptions” were at $650 billion in 2007.
In an article published by NY Times Best-Selling Author, Ken Blanchard, a large survey of 1,300 private-sector companies conducted by Proudfoot Consulting in 2002 found that, on average, only 59% of work time is productive.
March 2, 2011 Study Published by Inc. Magazine. shows employees are unproductive for half of the day.
In an article posted by Martha C. White on March 13, of 2012 on www.moneyland.time.com entitled, “You’re Wasting Time at Work Right Now, Aren’t You?” revealed that a 2012 study of 3,200 conducted by Salary.com showed that 64% say they visit websites unrelated to work daily.
Do you remember when 1 out of 5 of your co-workers wasn’t insane? They don’t.
According to a disturbing article published by Harvard Health Publications in February of 2010, Researchers analyzing results from the U.S. National Comorbidity Survey, a nationally representative study of Americans ages 15 to 54, reported that 18% of those who were employed said they experienced symptoms of a mental health disorder in the previous month.