Entrepreneurship 101:
Just starting a business can be a daunting task for most professionals, however starting a successful business seems impossible to most people given today’s challenging economy, lack of capital, and the overall marketplace. However, there is one man and one group of business professionals who are continuing to prove “the experts” wrong. By implementing the “best-practices” found within the business world today, the Make Your Life Epic team is consistently helping businesses win the war for profits.
Entrepreneurs solve problems and charge people for the solutions. This economy has certainly created a vast array of problems, which is why the MYLE advisors are so excited to help you and your team to solve them for a profit. MYLE was started by the U.S. Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year, so at our core we understand business. We aren’t teaching academic economic theories here. We are teaching practical action steps that you need to grow your business and to expand your vision to the next level.
On this blog, we provide entrepreneurs from coast to coast with the information, “the moves” and the insight they need to “win” consistently in the marketplace.
“Read, Learn & Apply” – Clay Clark