What makes us the #1 marketing agency in the U.S.?
We generate results that grow businesses.
Half the cost & twice the speed.
What makes us the #1 marketing agency in the U.S.?
Half the cost & twice the speed.
Have You Ever Imagined Coming Up At The Top Of A Google Search?
This Content Was Written By Make Your Life Epic
I heard a very wise singer and songwriter once say “half the battle is selling music. Not singing it. Its image, not what you sing.” That very true quote was said by best-selling recording artist, Rod Stewart. Make Your Life Epic feels this is a very true statement from a man that has been in the business for many, many, many (maybe too many) years. I think it is very obvious that this statement is very true. You can really see this clearly when you look at other artists like Katy Perry and Taylor Swift. The truth is really glaring. You can call for an appointment to talk to an award-winning Tulsa business coach at 918- 851-6920.
If you that have listened to Taylor Swift sing her music LIVE and listened to the lyrics, it is the exact same thing as a 13-year-old reading pages from her diary. I have heard that other countries have actually used her live singing as torture techniques with prisoners. When you take the time to look at Taylor she is kind of funny looking and extremely awkward. All may wonder how did this girl take the music industry by storm and get it in the palm of her hands. Also look at Katy Perry; she is a woman in her 20s who sings where he believes she is still 16 and lives the life of a Valley girl. Like Taylor Swift her live performances have been rumored to be the cause multiple people losing their hearing because their ears were so disgusted that they just disconnected and walked away.
If you look at Rod Stewart’s comments, this is where they make sense. In looking at these two girls from the beginning, both of these girls were marketed like no one else. Taylor Swift’s marketing firm took the fact that she had no formal training in singing which is why she sounds so horrible and have somehow turned that into a positive where anybody could be her. The firm found the perfect way to differentiate her from anyone else in the market and it really worked perfect. Most people have talent and she does not. Her flaws became her positives that made her even more popular and relatable. Katy Perry was marketed as a girl who dated everyone and that was her stick. Katy also bought out every commercial on the radio and other media outlets for about 2 straight years so her name was the only one heard. This fooled people into thinking that she was popular because they heard her name so much.
Both of these cases their Tulsa business coach found their “purple cow” that made them stand apart from everybody else they were competing with. If their Tulsa business coach wouldn’t have figured that out then they would have been just another horrible singer with a guitar and another untalented girl who dated all of Hollywood and they wouldn’t have lasted. We here at Make Your Life Epic works a lot like these marketing firms except we won’t lie or stretch the truth because we don’t need to. We don’t have to make something up because we know that you have something that will separate yourself from the rest of the crowd.
Come see us today and we will tell you our method and show you all the different case studies and piles of proof that shows what we do works and it works great. We at Make Your Life Epic don’t have anything against Katy Perry and Taylor Swift; those were just two very good examples that showed what Rod Stewart was talking about. Those are two examples that show how people can find a way to make themselves really stand apart from the rest of the crowd. We would love to work with you and show you how we are going to help you stand out from the crowd.
Make Your Life Epic — Business Coaches You Can Trust And Rely On
This Content Was Written By Make Your Life Epic
Make Your Life Epic will be your main turning point with your business by having a Tulsa business coach. If you aren’t making the sales that you need to make a profit from your company, we can help you get to where you are striving to be. Like most companies you have probably tried many other marketing firms, but you really need to forget them and believe me that Make Your Life Epic is far superior to any other Tulsa business coach that you have tried before. We here at Make Your Life Epic don’t base our marketing plans off guesses and theories like the other marketing firms do. We make sure to base everything we do off of prove case studies that have worked for our clients time and time again. Give us a call at 918-851-0102 and we can tell you what we can do for your company.
Make Your Life Epic was started by the amazing Clay Clark, who was US SBA Entrepreneur of the Year. Over the years Clay has started many companies and he has always used the same method of marketing for his companies that he uses for anyone who hires him as well. If it’s good enough for him then you will love it. Over the years Clay has created this method by experiencing everything first hand for himself and spending so many hours picking the minds of other marketing firms while trying to understand why they truly fail so horribly. The great part is that Clay has done the really hard work for you and it is now ready for you reap the benefits of his proven strategy.
One thing that Clay always says is, “nothing matters until something sells.” This may sound like a very blunt and harsh comment on the surface but is important to follow this. Every business owner knows there are so many bills to pay and they need to make a certain amount of money each month in order to keep their doors open and grow. We all agree that our customers come first but we also know that we need to pay the bills. If you have 10000 prospects it is great, but if they stay as prospects they will do nothing for your company and results in no income. By using Make Your Life Epic, even get a quarter of your prospects to become paying customers, which would completely change everything.
One of the many and biggest downfalls of other firms is that they focus so much on just getting you those prospects but don’t make any effort to close the sale and get them to become customers. Does it scare you when you think of closing a sale? It’s not that other firms don’t think closing sales aren’t important; it’s just that they truly have no idea how to close sales. Make Your Life Epic is very different from the rest out there. The wonderful thing is, Clay Clark is known as one of the top sales gurus in the United States.
You are currently at a closing. You have the opportunity to follow a path of proven results and have an amazing opportunity to work with the top Tulsa business coach around. Or you will hope and pray that your sales just get better over time. Make Your Life Epic will not be going for the shotgun approach like the others and hope we hit somebody that may want your product or service. Make Your Life Epic will focus our efforts on what actually works to keep your costs down your sales up. We are excited to have the chance to show you what we can do for your company.
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