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Has Your Company Stopped Growing? Let Us Tell You Why

This Content Was Written By Make Your Life Epic

This is for all of the business owners out there. If you are a business owner are you really doing the things in your business that you started the business to do? To this day I have never met an entrepreneur that has the passion to start new restaurants just because he likes to handle the accounting. I have also never heard a concert pianist say that they joined the orchestra just because they really enjoy tuning a piano. Do yourself a favor and make sure that you are doing the things that you want to be doing in your company because that is how it will grow. Give our Tulsa business coach a call at 918-851-0102 and they can explain what we are talking about.

You had a passion when you started your business and most the time the business owner had to take on a few extra responsibilities in order to grow his company. Make Your Life Epic is here to show you that you can focus completely on what you enjoy doing best and leave all of the other busy work to our Tulsa business coach we provide. Our team can do anything from showing you how to get your website to the top of the Google search, to training all of your sales team on how to close a deal. Make Your Life Epic really can do anything and by doing it for you, we will increase your profit and give you the time to focus on the reason you started the company in the first place.

A simple thing that we can do right away is so you can gain more recognition and have more clients come directly to you instead of searching about his by bringing your company website to the top of Google search. We can do this by focusing on search engine optimization or SEO. Search engine optimization is how Google chooses which websites will appear first in people’s search results. Have you ever looked to see where your website comes up in a Google search list? The average person says that they come up between the six and tenth pages even with a pretty specific search request.

Companies get really frustrated by this because companies have spent a lot of money on creating a website that can bring customers all the information that you want them to have and no one sees it. What do you think would happen if you were the first site that came up on a Google search? Do you think that would increase your visibility to your prospects? And if so how many more customers do you think you would get an email or call from each week? Do you think that the small amount that you would invest in us to do your search engine optimization would be worth the dozens or hundreds of new customers that you will get each month from being the top searches of?

We try and make it very simple. When you bring our Tulsa business coach in to help your company thrive, I straight up happens. They will shoot you to the top of Google and have people seeing your website like crazy. We won’t leave you to struggle with all of that extra business, but rather we will spend time with your team members and show them exactly how to close a sale. Closing a sale is the hardest thing for any salesperson. Salespeople don’t worry about the introduction or the conversation, but when it comes to asking for the sale it all goes downhill fast. Make your Life Epic has a proven plan that will show your salespeople how they can really close sales at a high percentage.

A Tulsa Business Coach From Make Your Life Epic. A Decision You Will Never Regret

This Content Was Written By Make Your Life Epic

Are you like most employers and have a hard time motivating your staff and salespeople to do a great job? Have you found that you hear more excuses from them then sales? You got into this business for a reason and you need to remember what that was. If you take yourself away from trying to grow your business because you have to deal with these team members, than you are doing yourself a great disservice. Your job is to lead the company and find ways to make it grow. Contact our Tulsa business coach and have them take over all of the things that you shouldn’t have to do and we will show you exactly what needs to happen to get you focusing on building your business again. All you need to do is give us a call at 918-851-0102 and a Tulsa business coach will explain everything to you.

We here at Make Your Life Epic believe that it is your job to spend your time focusing on building your business and then delegating to others to keep your business in tip top shape. We have many ways that we are able to get your staff in shape. The biggest problem that most salespeople have is that they don’t know how to close the sale so they get frustrated and take it out on their employer. Many people think that a sales person is born and not trained. We have piles and piles of proven case studies that will show you that the art of closing the sale can be trained. We can teach this to your sales team and you will see amazing results.

Now, instead of excuses from your sales team you will see profits rise every day. This will not only raise your moral, but the moral of your employees as well because they are happy that your company is doing great and they are as well. The greatest motivation to all is to see the fruits of your labor become an amazing company. For so many people now, their employees come to work every day and work hard and your company still doesn’t grow they have no motivation because they know that their job is not secure and the thoughts of a raise or promotion is most likely not going to happen anytime soon with how the company is being run. Your employees are counting on you.

Make Your Life Epic has a plethora of ways to get your company out of the gutters and start to soar to new heights. We at Make Your Life Epic are experts at converting your company from being just one of many that blend in with all of your competitors. We will find a way that you can stand out from all of your competitors and make your customers see you in a whole new light. Most companies out there are really scared to try something new and different even if it would set them apart from the competition. This is why you find so many companies just copying each other.

You need to set yourself apart and if you don’t set yourself apart you will blend in with your competitors. People will then pick other companies for reasons that you have no control of over you. If you find something that sets yourself apart than you have the control over how people see you by either presenting it or not. The best and most important part is that you are in control not your client’s minds. You will make the decision for them that they are going to come to you because you are different. Talk to our Tulsa business coach and figure out how you will set yourself apart.


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  • Founder of DJ Connection
  • Founder of Epic Photography
  • Founder of the Tulsa Bridal Association Wedding Show
  • Founder of Make Your Life Epic Marketing / Advertising Agency
  • Founder of Thrive15.com
  • Former Owner of Party Perfect (Which is now PartyProRents.com
  • Co-Founder of Elephant In The Room Men’s Grooming Lounge
  • Co-Founder of Fears and Clark Realty Group
  • Co-host of the Thrive Time Business Coach Radio Show