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Las Vegas Speakers Who Are Held to a Higher Standard Than the Rest
This Content Was Written by Make Your Life Epic
And motivational speakers a speaker who makes speeches intended to motivate and inspire and audience. Business syntheses often employ motivational speakers to communicate company strategy with clarity, to help employees to see the future a positive light, and to inspire workers to pull together. Clay Clark understands what it is to run a business, and he also understands how important it is the reach out your employees in a meaningful and proper way. He’s the proud business owner of over 10 companies in the, Tulsa, Oklahoma area. And he brings with him the type of knowledge that only a successful entrepreneur who then becomes a motivational speaker can provide. Other Las Vegas speakers simply go into the field because they have the ability to stir up emotions. But don’t you want the kind of meaty, informational message that can truly transform your company along with motivating your employees. If this is what you seek call 918-851-0102 or visit us online at www.makeyourlifeepic.com to find out how clay Clark can be your one-stop shop for your motivational speaker needs in Las Vegas at your next event.
One subtle differences that inspirational speakers often deliver a warm, encouraging message sometimes based on a story of overcoming great obstacles. The desired equivalent an outcome of this is exalting emotion. In contrast Las Vegas motivational speakers may deliver presentation that is more energetic in nature with the desired outcome of a moving attendees to action. If action is what you want look no further than clay Clark. Many of America’s top companies already trust him with all their action based motivational speaking needs. These companies include Valspar Paint, Farmers Insurance, Maytag University, Southwest Airlines, Hewlett-Packard, and Other Companies. They trust clay with all of their motivational speaking needs and Las Vegas area because he has provide sustainable measurable and verifiable growth in nearly every industry he services including bakeries, banking, business coaching, cosmetic surgery, dentistry, men’s grooming, fitness, motivational speaking, mortgage banking, the wedding industry, and videography.
His expertise comes out of over 10 years of business experience. He is an author award-winning business owner and investor in 10 different companies in the Oklahoma area including Juliet Films, Make Your Life Epic, DJ Connections, and Elephant in the Room Men’s Grooming Lounge just to name a few. Because of successes in a variety of businesses he has been awarded the United States Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year Award As Well As the United States Chamber National Blue Ribbon Quality Award Winner and the Metro Chamber Of Commerce Entrepreneur of the Year Award. Let him service your industry today and see what he can do for you by giving us a call at 918-851-0102 or visiting us online at www.makeyourlifeepic.com for more information on how clay Clark can turn your Las Vegas event into something extraordinary.
Find Your Passion with Las Vegas Speakers.
This Content Was Written by Make Your Life Epic
Is the classic dream of entrepreneurship to make a living doing what you love. Whether it’s taking a lot of baking in starting an empire, or moving from a 9-to-5 job into designing custom websites on your own schedule, there’s plenty of reasons to turn your personal talent into a moneymaking venture. When it comes to entrepreneurship, Clay Clark is the leader in knowledge as far as motivation and information in the modern age goes. He has been named the United States Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year As Well As the US Chamber National Quality Award Winner and the Metro Chamber Of Commerce Entrepreneur of the Year. It’s no wonder that many of America’s top companies trust clay Clark when it comes to their Las Vegas speakers needs. Please visit us at www.makeyourlifeepic.com or give us a call at 918-851-0102 to find out how Clay Clark can take your next Las Vegas event and make it extraordinary.
In today’s market many people are becoming disenchanted with simply working under five in a cubicle for another person. It’s important to find your passion in life and apply it to adventure that will make you money in a real and tangible way. Clay Clark has started many businesses on his own in the past 5 to 10 years and is a writer motivational speaker and business owner in the Tulsa Oklahoma area. He started companies like Juliet Films, Self in the Room Men’s Grooming Lounge, Make Your Life Epic, and DJ Connections just to name a few of the company she started. It’s no wonder that many of America’s top corporations trust him with their motivational needs because he is practiced in the skill of business and entrepreneurship. And he also has the motivation the sense of humor and the know-how to get the point across to employees to make them more beneficial and more fulfilled in their daily lives.
Companies like Valspar Paint, Farmers Insurance, Maytag University, Southwest Airlines, and Hewlett-Packard just to name a few already choose Clay Clark is there service provider of choice to make their business grow faster than any other Las Vegas speakers. Clay can help numerous businesses grow because the economic climate, and even amidst this current recession in the United States economy, he has been able to guide his clients to sustainable measurable and verifiable growth in every industry he services including bakeries, banking, business coaching, cosmetic surgery, dentistry, fitness, men’s grooming, mortgage banking, motivational speaking, videography, and the wedding industry.
You can start growing your business today by giving us a call at 918-851-0102 or visiting us online at www.makeyourlifeepic.com. If you have a Las Vegas event coming up for your business. Look no further than Clay Clark and his team at Make Your Life Epic to service all of your Las Vegas speakers needs. We provided motivation for many companies like to do the same for you to get your company to the next level.