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What makes us the #1 marketing agency in the U.S.?
Half the cost & twice the speed.
Make Your Life Epic Is the Premier PR Firm in the Tulsa Market.
This Content Was Written by Make Your Life Epic.
A fundamental technique used in public relations is to identify the target audience, and tailor messages to appeal to each audience. Sometimes the interests of differing audiences and stakeholders commented public relations efforts necessitate the creation of several distinct complementary messages. Here at Make Your Life Epic, We Understand the Ins And Outs of public relations and what it takes to get your company to the next level. The hope you’ll trust us with all of your public relations needs here in the Tulsa Oklahoma area, and if you want more information about what we can do to get your company off and running please visit us today at 918-851-0102 or look us up online at www.makeyourlifeepic.com.
Messaging is the process of creating a consistent story around a product, person, company or service. Messaging aims to avoid having readers receive contradictory and confusing information that will instill doubt their purchasing choice and other decisions that have an impact on the company. Brands aimed have the same problem statement, industry viewpoint or brand perception shared across sources and mediums. We can integrate all of your information and to your out what target audience are going for and communicate with you and the customers to make sure they were all optimizing your public relations to the best way possible. We are Tulsa’s boutique PR firm in our CEO, Clay Clark, Is the United States Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year, United States Chamber National Blue Ribbon Quality Award Winner, the Metro Chamber Of Commerce Entrepreneur of the Year, an Award-Winning Author and Business Owner for 10 Different Companies in the Tulsa Oklahoma Area Including Juliet Films, Elephant in the Room Grooming Lounge, Make Your Life Epic, and DJ Connections.
Reputation of the Company Is Known to Be a Ubiquitous, Spontaneous, and Highly Efficient Mechanism of Social Control a Natural Societies. It Is a Subject of Study in Social, Management and Technological Sciences. Its Influence Ranges from Competitive Settings like Markets to Cooperative Ones like Firms Organizations Institutions and Communities. Furthermore, Reputation Acts on Different Levels of Agency, Individual and Super Individual. At the Super Individual Level, It Concerns Groups, Communities, Collectives, and Abstract Social Entities Such As Firms, Corporations, Organizations, Countries, Cultures, and Even Civilizations. Here at Make Your Life Epic we understand that your reputation is everything when it comes to relating to your customers whether it be on a social level or in the marketplace. By controlling your reputation through use of social media outlets and things such as search engine content optimization, our experts can be sure that your customers have a positive outlook on your company before they even come in contact with your operations. By putting a spin on the way your presented on online setting, you can control the way people feel about your company. Take care of your reputation and allow us at Make Your Life Epic to Take Care of for You. Call Us Today at 918-851-0102 or Visit Us Online for Additional Information at Www.Makeyourlifeepic.com.
Find the best PR firm in Tulsa with Clay Clark, Tulsa’s Award-Winning Entrepreneur.
This Content Was Written by Make Your Life Epic.
The term entrepreneur is commonly used to describe an individual who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on financial risk to do so. A successful entrepreneur must have management skill and strong team building abilities that are often perceived as essential leadership attributes for success. Clay Clark is the epitome of entrepreneur. He is the winner of the United States small business administration entrepreneur of the year award as well as the United States chamber national blue ribbon quality award winner and the Metro Chamber of Commerce entrepreneur of the year. On top of that he is the award-winning author and business owner investor of 10 different companies including, Juliet Films, Elephant in the Room Men’s Grooming Lounge, make your life epic, and DJ connections just to name a few. Let Clay and his team of PR experts use the same ingenuity and expertise they used to launch his businesses to launch yours. Whether you are a billion-dollar corporation like many of our clients including Valspar Paint, Farmers Insurance, Hewlett-Packard, Maytag University, for Southwest Airlines, or you are a stealthy startup looking to gain a share of the market here in Tulsa Oklahoma, we have the tools and skills you need to get your business where you wanted to be.
In this era of engagement, we know that increase demands for transparency and authenticity in the companies must speak with one voice. Let Tulsa’s Best Public Relations Firm, Make Your Life Epic, be the voice that is credible and compelling to your stakeholders and customers alike. Everything must be integrated because everything is accessible and visible these days. And we have professionals who cover a wide range of social media outlets or traditional news media outlets and make sure that your company has a solid unified voice when reaching out to your target audience. No one likes when companies are wishy-washy and perceived in different lights in different arenas, let us unify your company and make sure you’re giving a positive message that will drive results in the right direction.
Our approach involves Ford major elements to build and integrate one powerful brand voice: we developing unifying enterprise-based idea and engage creative expression to bring it to life. By filming videos of you and your natural habitat and giving expertise on your area of business, we can get a search engine optimization going that will make your videos and your websites at the top of Google in your target markets. Protecting reputation by building a culture of preparedness to anticipate and mitigate issues and crises, and creating an agile rapid response capability, we measured reputation business idea by tracking both the outputs and outcomes to all of our measurement tools. And we don’t get paid unless you get paid. Meaning that our firm only charges you based on a percentage of your gross income after we team up. That simply means that will work hard for you every day to make sure that your company grows otherwise you don’t have to pay us for services. Aside from the initial small upstart fee to get our services rolling for your business.