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A Business Coach Who Truly Knows the Business

This content was written for Make Your Life Epic

When hiring a business coach it can be frustrating when you don’t get what you truly intended on having when you first were interested in that individual. When looking for a Dallas motivational speaker is important to know you’re going to get so that you don’t end up frustrated like many employers do when they hire their uncle who owns pawn shop. Incidents like this happen all the time and it is not only stressful it detrimental to your workplace. Your employees lose motivation and just become frustrated with you more more when you bring in people that are under experienced and inadequate to truly coach or team to be successful. Which is why when booking a speaker such as Clay Clark is very valuable to the future of your company.

The process is super simple and is reassuring because you know exactly what you’re getting when you book with Make Your Life Epic. His successful business techniques and practical training really does improve the morale of your employees and also teaches them actionable items that they can then go home and practice so that they can perform better in the workplace. Not every speaker can do this but Clay Clark truly does have his practical steps and techniques down to a science. These have been tried and tested over and over again yielding successful results day after day after day. His easy-to-follow universal humor and educational principles really do make a difference when it comes to hearing a motivational speaker. There is no business jargon or words that only a lawyer would understand when working with Clay Clark. Everything he teaches on a simple enough to where even young children could follow and possibly implement in their own lives.

When you do book he will specifically tailor the trainings that you receive to the business that you’re running. His sales techniques alone will inspire and motivate your employees to practice over and over again. You’ll hear testimonials of great success that comes from these techniques that he is practiced over the last decade. So knowing that you’re going to get tried and tested techniques that truly are proven to work is something that is very valuable for most employers. And so what you’re not going to get his vague business steps that are created by multimillion dollar companies that have nothing to do with the business you are currently running. Since most Dallas motivational speakers use this technique it is hard to judge whether they are right for your company. What you will get his practical knowledge and practical training that will help the day-to-day aspects that keep your business running.

Clay uses a technique that has your employees laughing while they learn, and this increases the amount of information that they will retain during the training because they’re actually enjoying it. Most speakers are unable to do this because most speakers lack the ability to get a laugh or two out of everyone. The amount of notes that people take during Clay’s seminars are astounding and people usually are always wanting more than what they got. The action items and specific notes taken not only help employees stay motivated but also increase efficiency in the workplace and just frankly get things done.

So the question really isn’t are you going to book Clay Clark but really when are you going to set aside the time to retain him for your next business gathering. Because not booking Clay Clark as a motivational speaker will be the equivalent of not doing your taxes or not wanting to make a profit. The reason clay Clark is one of the best Dallas motivational speakers is because what he does truly works has been tried and tested over and over again. So be sure to contact the Make Your Life Epic team today and dial 918-851-0102.


Help Your Business with New Success Tools

This content was written for Make Your Life Epic

When everyone to bring new ideas and success into your business it’s always easy to bring in a motivational speaker. What it’s not easy to do is bring in a motivational speaker who actually gets the job done and properly motivate your team specifically in a way that is beneficial to your business. Dallas motivational speakers for the most part are bad at doing this unless of course you’ve hired Clay Clark as your next motivational speaker. You see he specifies the trainings that he teaches to the business is teaching it to. Yes he has methods and practices that he has been using for almost a decade but the key is that he finds new ways to use the same practices in every company that he works with.

As the service provider of choice for companies such as Quiktrip Southwest Airlines and Hewlett Packer Clay Clark has definitely proven that he can get the job done when asked. So to motivate your team bring in Clay Clark and see how he can take your team from where they are to where they want to be. Because he is not only to give you premier training but he is also going to leave you with actionable items that will have your team wanting more by the time they’re done with them. The amount of notes that your employees will take will astound you and make you question why they don’t take notes like that in your own company meetings. His training is unique and very engaging which is why people asked for him time and time again to speak at their events.

When hiring Clay Clark you’ll be receiving countless bits of practical knowledge and education in the business world that will boost not only your profits but also your corporate motivation and morale of your team members. Knowing what you’re getting will make you rest of these which is why the team at Make Your Life Epic is so successful because they give the client exactly what they want and more. With the typical Dallas motivational speaker you’re not always going to get this. But you see Clay Clark teaches people the importance of not only doing the job right but over delivering in every job that you do.

Day after day clay seeks new knowledge to enable him to help you gain the knowledge that you need to be successful in your business. This process allows for him to become very well versed on what it is your company does and what it is seeking teach you on how to increase profits or time management or whatever else it is that your need of in your business. Whether you’re managing five or 500 employees Clay is well-equipped to handlethe issues that are currently hindering your business as a whole. Not only will he teach your employees about quality practical steps that they can follow every day you also inspire them to want to follow the steps day after day.

And so when looking for a Dallas motivational speaker you can rest assure that you won’t have to look very hard because Clay Clark has already put your mind at ease. Knowing that you have access to versatile speaker such as Clay Clark is in itself very valuable to the success of your company. With Clay Clark problems can be solved a lot faster and can save your company both time and money. So be sure to contact the Make Your Life Epic team today so that you can book your next employee gathering weld advanced and know that you’ll be getting a quality speaker. So invest in your company’s future today by dialing 918-851-0102 and booking Clay Clark for your next speaking event.


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  • Founder of DJ Connection
  • Founder of Epic Photography
  • Founder of the Tulsa Bridal Association Wedding Show
  • Founder of Make Your Life Epic Marketing / Advertising Agency
  • Founder of Thrive15.com
  • Former Owner of Party Perfect (Which is now PartyProRents.com
  • Co-Founder of Elephant In The Room Men’s Grooming Lounge
  • Co-Founder of Fears and Clark Realty Group
  • Co-host of the Thrive Time Business Coach Radio Show